11/01/2022 : Greetings / ご挨拶

At National Geographic Learning we are dedicated to bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life through our innovative and inspiring materials. Now, more than ever, it’s important for students to engage with materials for learning English that are vital, enriching, and motivational.

To provide students with opportunities to explore and discover their own voice in English we’re excited to launch ‘Voices’. This is a new seven-level series designed to develop cross cultural communication and mediation skills. In addition, we are expanding our range of content based English course books with ‘Reach for the Stars’ and ‘Lift’. We are also pleased to present four new titles designed specifically for learners and teachers in Japan.

It is with mixed feelings that after twenty years of working with the company, I announce that Rika Kojima has decided to pursue other interests outside of ELT publishing. Rika has been an exemplary colleague. I know many will remember her for her unique personality and commitment to supporting teachers throughout Japan. It’s a pleasure to introduce myself as the new business manager for National Geographic Learning Japan. I have been working with the company for over 10 years and during that time have always endeavored to provide teachers and students with the best materials and service possible. That dedication will continue with an even greater focus. We thank you for considering National Geographic Learning materials to be a valuable addition to your classroom.

David White
October 2022
 私たちナショナルジオグラフィック ラーニングは “Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life” をモットーにして、革新的で魅力的なコンテンツの開発・出版に邁進しています。現在の学生の英語学習にこれまで以上に重要なものは、不可欠で充実した内容の、モチベーションを高めるような教材です。
 学生に自分の意見を英語で探求して発見する機会を提供するため、2023年に弊社は満を持して新刊『Voices』を出版いたします。同書は異文化コミュニケーション能力と深い思考力を身につけるために開発された7レベルのシリーズです。さらに『Reach for the Stars』と『Lift』の新刊2点を出版し、弊社のプリスクールとミドルスクール対象のコンテンツベース・コースブックがますます充実します。また、日本の英語学習現場に適した和書4点の新刊も出版いたします。
 さて、複雑な心境のお知らせですが、弊社に20年間勤務してきた小嶋里佳が退職し、ELT 出版業界を離れて新しい道に進むことになりました。小嶋は模範とすべき最高の同僚でした。その比類なき個性と日本中の先生方を献身的にサポートする姿勢は、多くの方々のご記憶に留まることと存じます。その小嶋の後任として、私David White がナショナルジオグラフィック ラーニング日本支社の新しいビジネスマネージャーに就任したことを、この場を借りて報告させていただきます。私は10年以上にわたって日本支社に勤務しており、これまで先生方と学生の皆様に可能な限り最高の教材とサービスをご提供できるよう常に尽力して参りました。これからも同様に、弊社の中心となって励み続ける所存です。先生方の御授業に役立つツールとしてナショナルジオグラフィック ラーニングの教材をご検討くだされば幸いです。今後ともご指導ご鞭撻のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

David White

11/02/2021 : Greetings / ご挨拶

Almost two years have passed since the pandemic forced us to live in a 'new normal'. I'm so moved by the tremendous effort and perseverance by teachers when classes were switched from offline to online, and vice versa, at short notice. We have been, and continue to be, even more committed to supporting teachers and learners to overcome the challenges ahead.

The Olympic Games were hosted in Tokyo during the pandemic. An important purpose of learning English is to communicate with the world and the Olympics can offer authentic examples of this. Whatever path the 'new normal' might take, we will each embrace our own vision of globalization and ways of communicating with the world. In fact, the shift to digital learning catalyzed by the pandemic may bring even more opportunities to achieve this.

National Geographic Learning's mission will remain to 'bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life', and we strive to bring digital innovation to our materials for both teachers and learners. We will also continue to make good use of digital tools such as hosting webinars to keep in touch with you.

Last but not least, we must not forget that face to face communication is essential in order to really connect, even if digital accessibility now feels easier. I am looking forward to the day when we are able to choose when to use online or offline communication. Until then, please stay safe.

Rika Kojima – Head of Business
私どものミッションは Bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life であり、「生のコミュニケーション」が取れない今だからこそ、デジタル化に力を注ぎ、皆様の今後にお役に立てるよう精進してまいりたいと思っております。また、ウェビナー開催などをとおして、皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしております。

部門長 小嶋 里佳

11/04/2020 : Greetings / ご挨拶

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, hardships and drawbacks have been felt across many aspects of our lives. These disadvantages are witnessed in a variety of educational settings around the world. When I think of the difficulties faced by teachers and students who are forced to teach and take classes online, it is beyond anything that I could have imagined even just a year ago. In spite these difficult circumstances, I am very impressed by the determination of teachers who have created new learning environments and the attitudes of students who are adapting to these situations. Rising to the challenges of online lessons, teachers are finding a variety of innovative ways to teach as effectively as possible.
For National Geographic Learning, 2020 was also a year of turbulence and change. Just before the beginning of the new semester, we saw a huge surge in demand for digital content, and we tried every possibly way to meet that demand. However, I must say it was a lot of ‘trial and error’ to find what the best solutions might be. Having learnt from this experience, we are committed more than ever to support you and your students with the expertise we have gained. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for advice on setting up new learning environments.
This year, we will publish a new edition of the long-time best-selling 'Speaking of Speech'. It is a presentation book loved by many teachers. We are honored to have such a chance to republish this book. We hope to continue to work with you to contribute to the advancement of English language education in Japan during this challenging period.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager
コロナ禍、私たちの生活のあらゆる面で大変な状況が続いております。教育現場の様々な場面でもその影響を大きく受けており、 オンラインの授業を余儀なくされる先生方、学習者のみなさまの困難は想像以上のものと思います。
そのような中、英語教育に果敢に取り組まれる先生方の熱意、そしてそれを必死に受け取られている学習者のみなさまに大変感銘 を受けております。オンライン授業の不自由さの反面、先生方の創意工夫の努力によって、新しい教え方をされて対面授業同様の 効果を生み出されている先生方もいらっしゃるかと思います。
弊社にとっても、2020年は激動、そして変化の年でありました。新学期が始まる直前から教育現場のデジタル化に伴い、先生方 の一助になるべく邁進してきたつもりでおりますが、日々状況が変わる中、暗中模索でのサポートであったと危惧しております。 この教訓を生かし2021年に向けて日本の英語教育の現場を更にサポートすべく、あらゆる方向でサービスの向上を目指していき たい、とチーム一丸となり邁進してまいる所存でおります。
今年はベストセラー‘Speaking of Speech’を新版として出版することになりました。多くの先生方に親しまれてきたプレゼンテー ションの教科書ですので、皆様のご期待に沿えるものとして生まれ変わらせることができたこと、大変うれしく思います。 不安定な日々の中でもみなさまと力を合わせて日本の英語教育の前進に貢献したいと願っております。

シニアセールスマネージャー 小嶋 里佳

11/12/2019 : Greetings / ご挨拶

We would like to express our gratitude for your continued patronage and interest in our English language teaching materials. It has been 32 years since our Japan office was first established. Starting as Thomson Corporation and transitioning to Cengage Learning in 2007, the ELT division is now branded as National Geographic Learning. Although the name has changed, our belief in the teaching materials that we deliver remains as strong as always. With our mission to "Bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life," we will continue to support teachers and learners of English throughout Japan. We develop educational materials with the desire to help learners connect with the world through National Geographic and TED Talks content. By the world, we mean the physical world, the temporal world, and the world of each individual learner. Aiming to create materials that allow learners to expand their horizons and develop their talent through the medium of English, we will continue to make every effort to help English education in Japan. Thank you for considering National Geographic Learning materials for your classroom.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager
平素は格別のお引き立てを賜り、厚く御礼を申し上げます。弊社日本支社が設立されてから32年が経ちました。トムソンコーポレー ションとして始まり、2007年にセンゲージ ラーニングとして皆様に親しんでいただきましてからは12年、英語教材部は現在 ナショナル ジオグラフィックラーニングとして教材をお届けしています。名前は変わっていきますが、私たちが皆様にお届けしたい教材への信念は変わることなく歩んで参りました。“Bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life”をモットーとして、日本の先生方の英語教育、学習者の皆様 の英語学習の一助となれることを願いながら出版活動を続け、そして日々サポートをさせていただいております。 私たちはナショナルジオグラフィック、そしてTED Talksのコンテンツを通じて、学習者の皆様が「世界」と繋がる手助けをした いという思いで教材を開発しています。ここでいう世界とは地理的なもの、時間的なもの、そしてそれぞれの個人が持つ世界をも 意味しております。 英語という媒体を通じて異文化に触れる、歴史に触れる、そして一人一人が持つ個性に触れることができる、そんな教材づくりを 目指して、これからも日本の英語教育のお役に立てるよう日々努力して参る所存です。どうぞご指導ご鞭撻のほど宜しくお願いい たします。

シニアセールスマネージャー 小嶋 里佳

How can we link inspirational TED Talks to learning English? / TED Talksからのインスピレーションを英語学習につなげる

With the message of 'Ideas Worth Spreading', TED Talks deliver numerous highly acclaimed talks to the world. Thenumber of people accessing these talks is said to be about one billion, the majority of whom are non-native Englishspeakers like us. It makes me wonder why TED Talks are so popular for people like us.
Public speaking is said to be the one activity that scares a lot of people. For non-native speakers, this feeling is evenstronger. We feel in awe of TED speakers who deliver their message with wit and can connect with an audienceemotionally.

I had the honor of talking to a TED speaker and asked him how many times he rehearsed his talk. He said "I do it atleast 200 times". His talk brought tears to my eyes. The reason why TED Talks are so popular may be that not only isthe message interesting, it's the passion and dedication that the speakers have.
At National Geographic Learning, we have a range of programs with engaging content from TED. We provide scaffoldedtasks which make authentic TED Talks accessible to non-native speakers. We also provide comprehensive support forinstructors. We too are passionate and dedicated to developing materials that help learners and English education inJapan.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager
Ideas worth spreading というモットーを掲げて多くのトークを配信しているTED Talksですが、そのアクセス数は、私たちのようなノンネイティブスピーカーの数が圧倒的に多いのをご存じですか。英語でプレゼンが行われるTED Talksに私たちが興味を持つのはいったいどうしてでしょうか。世界の多くの人々が最も怖いことの一つとして「人前で話すこと(public speaking)」を挙げていると言われています。私たちノンネイティブスピーカーにとって、それを「英語でやるなんて!どうしたらいいのだろう?」と困惑してしまうこともあるでしょう。

英語を学習している私たちは、時にはユーモアを交え、時には涙まで誘うような自然な、そして巧みなTEDのスピーチを見て羨ましく思い、自分のプレゼン力と比較し愕然としてしまうこともあるかもしれません。実際に、あるノンネイティブスピーカーのTED Speakerと話す機会があり、「どのくらい練習をするのですか」と尋ねたところ、「少なくとも200回は全て通して練習する」と言われました。その方のTED Talksは母語のアクセントたっぷりの、しかし涙無しには聞けないほど感動するものでした。TEDTalksがこんなにも人気があるのは、TEDスピーカーからの熱いメッセージの内容とともに、それを伝えようとする努力なのではないかと思います。

私たちナショナルジオグラフィックラーニングは、たくさんのTED Talksを活用した英語教材を出版しています。ネイティブレベルの英語で繰り広げられるTED Talksを学習者がわかり易いようタスクを工夫して提供しています。また先生方が授業で使いやすいよう多くの教授用ツールもご用意しております。

TED Talksを含む英語教材の開発を通じて日本の英語教育の発展に貢献し、皆様のご期待に応えられるよう、これからも励んでまいりたいと思っています。

シニアセールスマネージャー 小嶋 里佳

From Cengage Learning to National Geographic Learning


Ten years have passed since we began our ground breaking partnership with National Geographic. Over this time, we are grateful to the many teachers and learners who have chosen to use our materials with National Geographic content, and would like to thank you all again.

Alexander Graham Bell established the National Geographic Society with a vision to 'share the world and all that is in it'. We try our best to reflect the mission and work of the society in our programs by "bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life." That's our version of Alexander Graham Bell's original vision.

Photographs that are so incredible you doubt your eyes, photographs that are so full of emotion you feel the soul of the subject - such photographs, and the stories and passions behind them, have been the gift which National Geographic has brought to us for 130 years. These timeless treasures inspire in an exceptional way. It is our mission to deliver such unparalleled content to teachers and learners through our English teaching materials and we take this responsibility seriously.

Following the successful partnership with National Geographic, we are now also thrilled to be working with TED Talks. TED Talks are the single most widely sourced videos for English learners. They're popular because of the ideas in the talks and because of the natural English used by both native and non-native TED speakers who speak passionately in their own unique way. TED Talks are viewed over 1.5 million times a day, with many of these coming from Japan, and we are honored to be TED's exclusive partner in English language education.

It is said that 1.5 billion people are learning English around the world, each with their own special reason. It is our desire to help each learner achieve his or her goal.

We thank you and look forward to supporting you in the future.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager


"Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life."


ナショナルジオグラフィックに続き、TED Talksとパートナーシップを組んだことも、私たちの教材に新たな方向性を与えてくれました。TEDは世界で最もアクセス数の多い英語学習を目的とした映像素材です。その数は年間15億件に達し、日本からのアクセスが最も多いということです。その人気の秘訣は、プレゼンターのユニークなアイデアや心の琴線に触れる内容もさることながら、英語のネィティブスピーカーとノンネイティブスピーカーに関係なく、様々な背景をもつプレゼンターが各々独特のスタイルでアイデアを伝えようとしている姿かもしれません。



シニアセールスマネージャー 小嶋 里佳

10/30/2015 : Greetings / ご挨拶


Recently we have seen an increase in the number of foreign visitors to Japan. I have witnessed Japanese people welcoming tourists and answering questions in fluent English, making me think that English ability is improving at a rapid pace. At the same time, MEXT has announced plans to raise the English level of junior high school students to CEFR A1 as current research shows that, disappointingly, this is the typical level for high school third graders. Post high school, there are now universities that offer content based courses taught solely in English and yet other institutions require very low-level materials to support struggling learners. One can see a great diversity in what is needed from language learning resources.

National Geographic Learning is pleased to offer quality materials featuring TED Talks as a unique and groundbreaking solution to these eclectic needs. TED Talks feature fascinating presentations from leading innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, inventors and scientists who share "ideas worth spreading". By carefully grading this content, we have created compelling, accessible resources to appeal to a wide range of English language learners. Our aim is to excite, thrill and inspire all - from the most advanced learners to the traditionally less motivated - to see English as a means to connect to the world through meaningful, relevant and accessible content.

Thank you,
Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager, ELT/School


そのような中、英語教材出版社として今後どのような教材をご提供すればよいのか考えたとき、私たちは、敢えてTED Talksをご提案したいと思います。TED Talks の充実した内容、それをユニークな形で表現するプレゼン・スタイル、まさに学習者の興味を掴んで離さないコンテンツとして、TED Talks の右に出るものはないでしょう。オーセンティックな英語ではありますが、ビジュアルも手伝って、学習者はその熱い内容を心で受け止めてくれるのではないでしょうか。私たちはこのすばらしい素材を手にし、いかに学習者向けに分かりやすく提供するかを探究し、日々奮励努力してまいりたいと思います。


シニアセールスマネージャー ELT/School 小嶋 里佳

10/31/2014 : Greetings / ご挨拶


The Japanese government has put together plans to reinforce English education. Examples include introducing English to 3rd graders and making English mandatory for 5th and 6th graders. Another example is that English classes in Junior and Senior High schools are to be taught all in English. At the workplace, we have witnessed many foreign nationals working in many aspects of Japanese society and, in the future, it is likely that more of your colleagues will be people from different parts of the world. With the upcoming Olympics in 2020, the enthusiasm and energy to learn English is felt stronger than ever before.

In recent times, the shift from 'learning English' to 'learning in English' is a key trend being observed. As an ELT publisher, we strive to offer content that is beneficial for 21st century learners. Whether this is through print or digital delivery, we will do our best to provide cutting edge solutions to our educators and learners.

As such, we are honored to announce a new partnership with National Geographic Learning and TED. TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. This partnership will help us to provide curious minds with authentic, compelling materials in the classroom. Alongside rich, National Geographic resources and one-of-a-kind instructional support, powerful TED Talks provide an engaging springboard for learners to share ideas in English.

It's been seven years since we began our unique relationship with the National Geographic Society. Thanks to you all, this has been a great success. We are particularly pleased to announce that two of our best-selling series, 'Reading Explorer' and 'World English' have been updated this year with more exciting and beneficial content for learners.

We will strive to offer engaging and thought provoking materials for both instructors and learners with our two flagship partners, National Geographic and TED. Their respective mottos, 'inspiring people to care for the planet' and 'ideas worth spreading' go hand in hand with our own mission of 'bringing the world to the classroom - and the classroom to life'. We hope to be of service to you.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager, ELT/School




ナショナルジオグラフィックとのパートナーシップを結んでから、7年が経ちました。「英語で学べる」教材として、皆様にとても好評をいただいております。その中でも出版以来常にベストセラーである 'Reading Explorer'シリーズの改訂版を上梓いたしました。学習者のみならず、先生方にも楽しんでいただける教材に仕上がっている、と自負しております。

また、弊社では「21世紀に活躍するための知恵」や「人間の生き方」を提供するTED Talksともパートナーシップを組むことになりました。インスピレーショナルなスピーカーのアイデアから刺激を受け、自分の意見を組み立て、そして発信できるように、工夫を凝らした教材も出版しております。

'Caring about the planet'をモットーとしたナショナルジオグラフィック、そして' Ideas Worth Sharing'を掲げるTED Talksと、学習者の興味を引き付けて離さない教材を今後とも出版していきたく思います。引き続きご指導お鞭撻のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

シニアセールスマネージャー ELT/School 小嶋 里佳

10/29/2013 : Greetings / ご挨拶


With the awarding of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games to Tokyo, the students of today will be placed front and center in forming the impressions of foreign visitors to Japan in just a few years' time. Our students likely will have left us by then, well into their academic and professional careers. How are we preparing them for the future? What skills do they need to ensure they are successful in the fields of their choosing? How will the communicators of today transform into the communicators of tomorrow?

Cengage Learning, in partnership with National Geographic, shares a mission "to inspire people to care about the planet". By delivering engaging, relevant, and motivating materials, we seek to support educators in bringing language learning "from the classroom to the world". Through high-quality content and excellent service, we aim to be your publisher of choice.

Thank you very much.

Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager, ELT/School



弊社がナショナルジオグラフィックとパートナーシップを組み、6年になります。'Inspiring people to care about the planet' (National Geographic)、'Bringing the world to the classroom'(Cengage Learning)という二つのミッションを掲げ、英語学習者の「グローバル」に少しでも役に立つ教材をこれらからも作り続けるべく日々努力して参ります。このような研鑽をすることこそが、弊社にとっての「グローバル」なのではないかと思っております。


シニアセールスマネージャーELT/school  小嶋 里佳

11/01/2012 : Dear Teachers / 先生各位

In 2012, with the positive development of our partnership with National Geographic, Cengage Learningchanged the ELT imprint name to National Geographic Learning (Cengage Learning remains the parentcompany name). We believe that the resources offered by National Geographic contribute greatly to the field ofEnglish language education through their rich content and exploration of contemporary global issues.

Globalization continues at a rapid pace, and Japanese society needs people who can lead our future andplay an active role in the international community. The government, universities, schools, and industry are alltackling the difficult issue of how to develop talented individuals who can ensure Japan remains competitivein the expanding global market place. Given this situation, we understand that the expectations of Englishteachers are increasing, and your role is becoming even more important and challenging.

As an English language educational publisher, we believe it is our responsibility to strive to develop and provideyou with the best possible materials, and we look forward to working closely with you to meet your needs andthe needs of your students.

Thank you very much.
Rika Kojima - Senior Sales Manager, ELT/School
先生方には日頃大変お世話になりまして、心より御礼申し上げます。 今年度、弊社は、National Geographic とのパートナーシップの発展に伴い、ブランド名をNational Geographic Learning に変更いたしました(社名は変更ございません)。National Geographic という名前とそのコンテンツが、教育現場にもたらす価値はとても大きいと自負いたしております。今後も教育現場を中心に、幅広い市場のニーズに応える出版社として、更なる飛躍を遂げたいと思っております。



シニアセールスマネージャー ELT/School  小嶋里佳

11/01/2011 : Dear Teachers / 先生各位

The memory of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the Tohoku area of Japan will remain with us.
Our deepest sympathies lie with the families who have lost loved ones as they begin to rebuild their lives.
Because of the scale of this disaster, many people around the world were moved to help. Cengage headquarters in the US donated through the Japanese Red Cross, and we continue to support relief efforts through 'ELT for Tohoku', a consortium of publishers and distributors dedicated to improving the lives of those who suffered.
As Japan rebuilds and moves forward, the need for Japanese people to communicate on the international stage is becoming even more important. Learning English through materials that are meaningful and relevant will prepare people for an increasingly globalized world.
It light of this, Cengage Learning is pleased to announce a strengthening of our partnership with National
Geographic which will be extended for the next 30 years. In addition, we're honored that our ELT materials will now carry the 'National Geographic Learning' name. Since 1888, National Geographic's mission has been to inspire people to care for the planet. By sharing this vision through relevant ELT materials, we hope to empower learners to be true global citizens.

With kindest regards,
ELT Team
世界を舞台に日本人が活躍できる手段としての英語力をさらに高めるために、興味深い内容かつ結果の出る教材をこれからも出版していきたいと思います。弊社の出版物の中でも、特にナショナルジオグラフィックを活用した教材は、皆様にとても喜んでいただいています。今年の夏にナショナルジオグラフィックとのパートナーシップが33 年間に延長され、さらに充実したラインナップを揃えられることになりました。また米国での弊社のブランド名であるHeinle も、このようなセンゲージラーニングとナショナルジオグラフィックとの強い絆を反映し、今後はNational Geographic Learning として皆様に親しまれることになりました。


10/26/2010 : Dear Teachers / 先生各位

On behalf of Cengage Learning K.K. we want to thank you, our customers, for your continuing support as we strive to improve our products and services.

This year, we are proud to present the new edition of World Link, one of our most popular courses . Teachers who are familiar with the series will find it even more enjoyable to use. Teachers new to the series are bound to be impressed with its unique fluency focus, special video program, and extensive teacher support.

We also are proud to introduce our latest series of graded readers called Page Turners. Fun and easy to read, this is a series you won't want to put down!

On the fourth anniversary of our unique partnership with National Geographic to develop English language learners materials, we have released a brand new secondary course called Time Zones. With a strong international focus combining a communicative approach with stunning National Geographic images, video, and content, this is a course both students and teachers will enjoy.

Recognizing the unique needs of Japanese teachers and students, Cengage Learning continues to publish a diverse range of Japan-specific texts developed in cooperation with Japan-based instructors.

We look forward to another year supporting you in meeting the global and local educational needs of Japan.

With kindest regards,
ELT Team
大好評をいただきましたWorld Linkの改訂版が今年出版されることになりました。旧版に慣れ親しんでいただいた方にも、また初めてWorld Linkを使われる方にも、満足していただける内容に仕上がっております。
またリーダーの新シリーズPage Turnersも出版され、「リーダーのセンゲージ」としても、お客様のニーズに応えていければと思っております。
ナショナルジオグラフィックを採用した教材を出版して今年は3年目となりますが、中高生向けのTime Zonesが新刊として仲間に加わりました。歴史、科学、、文化などを、英語を媒体として学習することのできる中身の濃い教材です。


10/20/2009 : Dear Teachers / 先生各位

Dear Teachers,

On behalf of Cengage Learning K.K. we want to thank you, our customers, for your continuing support as we strive to improve our products and services.

On the 3rd anniversary of Cengage Learning, we are proud to present exciting new products from the partnership between Heinle ELT and National Geographic. Through this new range of innovative titles, we aim to work with educators to change the way the world learns English. Please see pages 6, 30, 36, and 90 for more details.

Also in 2009, Cengage Learning acquired the Marshall Cavendish ELT list including its Summertown imprint. Through this acquisition, Cengage Learning will now offer more choices for students and instructors of General, Special Purpose and Business English, and deliver a wider range of materials to prepare students for English language examinations such as TOEIC®, IELTS®, and TOEFL® iBT.

Lastly, Cengage Learning continues to publish a diverse range of Japan-specific texts developed in cooperation with Japanese and Japan-based foreign instructors.

We look forward to another year working in cooperation to meet the global and local educational needs of Japan.

With kindest regards,
ELT Team
今年は、ナショナルジオグラフィックの題材や映像を駆使した教材、3つのシリーズを出版いたしました。Footprint Reading Libraryを始め、Reading Explorer全4レベル、そしてWorld Englishというコースブックが出揃い、その豊かな内容を皆様にお届けすることができるようになりました。



Dear Teachers,

On the first anniversary of Cengage Learning, we want to thank you, the users of our product, for your inspiration and contribution to the quality publishing we aim to provide. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be of service. Thank you for continuing to offer your support.

We hope you will share our excitement about our latest publishing initiative. Heinle ELT, a part of Cengage Learning, and National Geographic have partnered to create English language learning materials which bring our world and its different cultures to life.

Founded in 1888, the National Geographic Society is one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational organizations in the world. It reaches more than 285 million people worldwide, and has funded more than 8,000 scientific projects.

Heinle and National Geographic are committed to producing learning materials that promote educational excellence, encourage cultural awareness and understanding, and reflect the lives and interests of learners everywhere.

In addition, Cengage Learning remains committed to finding and developing Japan-based talent. Our increasing diverse range of Japan-specific product is built on the research and proposals from you, our users. Your feedback and hands-on participation in the publishing process is invaluable as we strive to be a truly global and local publisher.

With kindest regards,

ELT Team

平素は格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。 センゲージラーニングとして出版及び営業活動を始めて、1年が経ちました。社名変更をして無事に1年を迎えることができましたのも、皆様の温かいご支援のおかげでございます。今後ともご指導ご鞭撻の程、よろしくお願い申し上げます。


センゲージ ラーニング ELTホームページ開設のご挨拶

Dear Educator,
Welcome to the CENGAGE Learning ELT website. This website has been a long time project for all of us, and I am very happy to be able to announce that it is finally up and running. It is not yet finished, yet we hope to make this website the perfect tool to serve the needs of ELT teachers in Japan. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy this. Thanks!

Rika Kojima
Sales Manager ELT
この度、皆様に役立つ情報や新刊出版物を紹介する場として、センゲージ ラーニング ELTのホームページを開設することとなりました。まだ不十分ではございますが、皆様のご指導をいただき、さらにコンテンツを充実していく所存でございます。

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Email: royalty@cengagejapan.com