Explore Our World, Second Edition
Dr. JoAnn J. Crandall and Dr. Joan Kang Shin - Series Editors


Our Worldに続き、Explore Our Worldの第2版が出来上がりました。Explore Our Worldは、Our Worldの内容をそのまま取り入れつつ、特にリスニング・スピーキング、発音の強化に焦点を当てた短いユニット構成で、コミュニカティブなクラスにピッタリの教材です。子どもたちは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツ、写真、ビデオを通して、英語やコミュニケーションのスキルを楽しく習得し、自分たちの生きる世界についての理解を深めて行きます。

New to this edition:

・Clear lessons with more amazing photos and real-world content and on-page teaching support
・Improved Grammar lessons with more support and practice in a real-world context
・Value and Mission lessons challenge learners to think and grow with Think, Pair, Share routines
・Online Practice with audio, video, games, and activities for assessment and exam prep
・Learning Management System for class management, messaging, setting assignments, and progress reporting for Online Practice
Explore Our World, 2/e

9780357038239 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,270税込(¥2,497税込)
9780357373231 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,610(¥2,871税込)
9780357049532 Workbook ¥1,680(¥1,848税込)
9780357427217 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,610(¥2,871税込)
9780357102602 Combo Split A (Unit 0-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049990 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357438527 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357104873 Flashcards ¥12,000(¥13,200税込)
9780357039427 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 1>
9780357036990 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373453 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049525 Workbook ¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037331 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427224 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049983 Combo Split A (Unit 0-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049976 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049808 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9784863123342 指導案集第1版 (Japanese Lesson Planner for the First Edition) ¥3,000(¥3,300税込)
9780357435946 Flashcards ¥12,000(¥13,200税込)
9780357105498 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 2>
9780357037003 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373460 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049471 Workbook ¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037355 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427231 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049969 Combo Split A (Unit 0-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049952 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049815 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357436851 Flashcards ¥12,000(¥13,200税込)
9780357105504 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 3>
9780357037010 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373477 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049488 Workbook ¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037348 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427248 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049945 Combo Split A (Unit 0-4)  ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049938 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8)  ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049822 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357436882 Flashcards ¥12,000(¥13,200税込)
9780357105511 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 4>
9780357037027 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373484 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049495 Workbook ¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037379 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427255 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357102619 Combo Split A (Unit 1-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357102626 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049839 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357105528 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 5>
9780357037034 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373491 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049518 Workbook¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037362 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427262 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357102633 Combo Split A (Unit 1-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357102640 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049846 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357105535 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<Level 6>
9780357037041 Student Book, Text Only ¥2,400(¥2,640税込)
9780357373507 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357049501 Workbook ¥1,770(¥1,947税込)
9780357037386 Grammar Workbook ¥990(¥1,089税込)
9780357427279 Spark + e-Book Access Code Card (1 year access) ¥2,910(¥3,201税込)
9780357102657 Combo Split A (Unit 1-4) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357102664 Combo Split B (Unit 5-8) ¥1,910(¥2,101税込)
9780357049853 Lesson Planner with Student Book Audio CD and DVD ¥6,490(¥7,139税込)
9780357105542 Poster Set (610mm x 910mm) ¥4,420(¥4,862税込)

<For all levels>
Classroom Presentation Tool Available in Spark Instructor Account

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