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• テキストを読み上げた音声、歌、テストを収録したCD-ROM
• フルカラーのワークブックには語彙力、読解力、リスニングを強化する、さまざまなエクササイズを掲載
This series will be out of print when stock is gone.
在庫がなくなり次第絶版になります。価格はすべて税抜きです/Tax excluded.
<Level 1 - Science>
978-1-133-49281-8 Weather: Reader 僅少/絶版
978-1-133-49322-8 Weather: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56617-5 Float or Sink?: Reader \690
978-1-133-49300-6 Float or Sink?: Workbook \690
978-1-133-31082-2 Parts of a Tree: Reader \690
978-1-133-49311-2 Parts of a Tree: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49275-7 Senses: Reader \690
978-1-133-49317-4 Senses: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56613-7 Animals Move: Reader \690
978-1-133-49296-2 Animals Move: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49288-7 Science CD-ROM Level 1 (5 titles) \2,550 (絶版/OP)
<Level 1 - Social Studies>
978-1-133-49268-9 My Friend and I: Reader \690
978-1-133-49309-9 My Friend and I: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49273-3 School Rules: Reader \690
978-1-133-49315-0 School Rules: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49278-8 Things Made of Wood: Reader \690
978-1-133-49319-8 Things Made of Wood: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56621-2 In the Neighborhood: Reader \690
978-1-133-49304-4 In the Neighborhood: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49280-1 Ways to Travel: Reader \690
978-1-133-49321-1 Ways to Travel: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49289-4 Social Science CD-ROM Level 1(5 titles) \2,550(絶版/OP)
☆978-9-0000-1419-4 Library Set: Level1 (10 Readers)(絶版/OP)
<Level 2 - Science>
978-1-133-49274-0 Seasons: Reader \690
978-1-133-49316-7 Seasons: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56620-5 Habitats: Reader \690
978-1-133-49303-7 Habitats Workbok \690
978-1-133-49272-6 Push and Pull: Reader \690
978-1-133-49314-3 Push and Pull Workbook \690
978-1-133-49271-9 Pumpkins: Reader \690
978-1-133-49313-6 Pumpkins Workbook \690
978-1-133-49270-2 Polar Bears: Reader \690
978-1-133-49312-9 Polar Bears Workbook \690
978-1-133-49290-0 Science CD-ROM Level 2(5 titles) \2,550(絶版/OP)
<Level 2 - Social Studies>
978-1-133-49267-2 Maps: Reader \690
978-1-133-49308-2 Maps: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49264-1 Jobs: Reader \690
978-1-133-49305-1 Jobs: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56619-9 Goods: Reader \690
978-1-133-49302-0 Goods: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49277-1 The City and the Country: Reader \690
978-1-133-49323-5 The City and the Country: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56618-2 Good Citizens: Reader \690
978-1-133-49301-3 Good Citizens: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49291-7 Social Science CD-ROM Level 2(5 titles) \2,550(絶版/OP)
☆978-9-0000-1420-0 Library Set: Level2 (10 Readers) \6,900(絶版/OP)
<Level 3 - Science>
978-1-133-56614-4 Butterflies: Reader \690
978-1-133-49297-9 Butterflies: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49266-5 Magnets: Reader \690
978-1-133-49307-5 Magnets: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56612-0 Animal Groups: Reader \690
978-1-133-49295-5 Animal Groups: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49276-4 Solids, Liquids, and Gases: Reader \690
978-1-133-49318-1 Solids, Liquids, and Gases: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56615-1 Taking Care of Our Earth: Reader \690
978-1-133-49298-6 Taking Care of Our Earth: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49292-4 Science CD-ROM Level 3 (5 titles) \2,550 (絶版/OP)
<Level 3 - Social Studies>
978-1-133-49265-8 Land and Water: Reader \690
978-1-133-49306-8 Land and Water: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56611-3 A Savings Plan: Reader \690
978-1-133-49294-8 A Savings Plan: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49269-6 New Year Celebrations: Reader \690
978-1-133-49310-5 New Year Celebrations: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49279-5 Thomas Edison: Reader \690
978-1-133-49320-4 Thomas Edison: Workbook \690
978-1-133-56616-8 Famous Landmarks: Reader \690
978-1-133-49299-3 Famous Landmarks: Workbook \690
978-1-133-49293-1 Social Science CD-ROM Level 3 (5 titles) \2,550(絶版/OP)
☆978-9-0000-1421-7 Library Set: Level3 (10 Readers) \6,900(絶版/OP)
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