Reading Explorer, Third Edition         
David Bohlke, Nancy Douglas, Helen Huntley, Paul MacIntyre, Bruce Rogers

ナショナルジオグラフィックのトピック、写真、ビデオを使用した6レベルからなる大人気のリーディングシリーズ、Reading Explorer の第3版が登場します。文化や旅、社会的なテーマ、サイエンス、アドベンチャーなど幅広い分野を題材に、ナショナルジオグラフィックの写真や映像を豊富に用い、五感を使って語彙力と読解力を高めるテキストです。新版では全6レベルで59のビデオが新しくなり、更にパワーアップしました。ますます学習者の心をひきつけ離しません。


25% のリーディングパッセージを改訂
75 〜 80%のビデオを改訂
各ユニットに、コロケーションやワード・フォームを取り入れたVocabulary Activityを収録
各ユニットの最後には Vocabulary Review を収録
IELTSやTOEFL 試験対策に有益な質問形式の演習を収録
☆目次、サンプルUnitは、「海外リンク」をクリックし、「Try a Sample Unit」で確認いただけます。

Split editions are now with Spark!
More convenient and suitable for half semester courses.

 ⋆ MyELT will all switches to Spark version ISBN. Please change to the following components.
 ⋆ MyELTはすべてSpark付きISBNに切り替わります。以下に振替えをお願いいたします。

9780357116289 Student Book, Text Only (176 pp) ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085616 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085739 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085791 Split Foundations A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085807 Split Foundations B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086033 e-Code Split Foundations A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086040 e-Code Split Foundations B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357125250 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  ¥8,120(¥8,932税込)
9780357124673 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<Level 1>
9780357116258 Student Book, Text Only (176 pp) ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085623 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085746 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085814 Split 1A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085821 Split 1B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086057 e-Code Split 1A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086064 e-Code Split 1B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357123546 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  ¥8,120(¥8,932税込)
9780357123508 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<Level 2>
9780357116265 Student Book, Text Only (192 pp) ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085630 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085753 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085838 Split 2A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085845 Split 2B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086071 e-Code Split 2A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086088 e-Code Split 2B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357125182 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  ¥8,120(¥8,932税込)
9780357124659 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<Level 3>
9780357116272 Student Book, Text Only (208 pp) ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085647 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085760 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085852 Split 3A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085869 Split 3B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086095 e-Code Split 3A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086101 e-Code Split 3B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357125243 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  品切れ絶版/OP
9780357124666 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<Level 4>
9780357116296 Student Book, Text Only ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085654 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085777 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085876 Split 4A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085883 Split 4B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086118 e-Code Split 4A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086125 e-Code Split 4B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357125267 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  ¥8,120(¥8,932税込)
9780357124680 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<Level 5>
9780357116302 Student Book, Text Only ¥3,090(¥3,399税込)
9798214085661 Student Book with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085784 e-Code Spark + e-Book Access (1 year access) ¥3,610(¥3,971税込)
9798214085890 (OLD: 9798214086019) Split 5A with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214085906 (OLD: 9798214086026) Split 5B with Spark Access + e-Book (1 year access)  ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086132 e-Code Split 5A Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9798214086149 e-Code Split 5B Spark + e-Book (1 year access) ¥2,260(¥2,486税込)
9780357125274 Classroom Audio CD/DVD Package  ¥8,120(¥8,932税込)
9780357124697 Teacher's Guide  ¥4,190(¥4,609税込)

<For all levels>
Spark Instructor Account  Assessment Suite - Instructor Only
Spark Instructor Account  Classroom Presentation Tool - Instructor Only

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